Ring enhancers are wedding rings that are purposely designed to fit around your diamond engagement ring. Its main objective is to heighten the beauty of the diamond ring, by adding colored stones, diamonds, or ornate designs. The enhancer either takes the place of the wedding band on the finger, or is worn in increasing to generate a perfect bridal set. Most habitancy buy ring enhancers as a way to "dress up" their diamond ring. Since an enhancer is well taken on and off and does not damage the solitaire, it's a great way to add a lot of sparkle to your engagement ring, giving you a stunning, yet low cost bridal wedding set. Traditionally there are two kinds of ring enhancers: ring guards (also referred to as ring inserts) and ring wraps. Once of the most tasteless type of guards is the Cz Ring Guard which will be discussed in more detail.
A ring wrap does exactly as the name suggests, and "wraps" around the town stone of your engagement ring. It is a particular band, which fits up against your engagement ring, and has stones or metal which "hug" your town diamond. Once you place the ring wrap on your finger next to your diamond engagement ring, it gives the illusion of being one ring.
A ring guard or ring insert, on the other hand, is a duplicate band held together by bars on the bottom of the shank. The diamond engagement ring fits snugly into the middle of the ring insert/ring guard. In this style of enhancer, the town stone is wholly surrounded by either metal or stones. Essentially, the ring guard envelops the solitaire. The look achieved by using the insert is a perfect bridal set.
At this point, you might be wondering why so many habitancy love ring enhancers. There are many reasons to select an enhancer. Here are a few:
1. Upgrade. The most beloved theorize is to "upgrade" your simple diamond ring. Buying an uncostly diamond engagement ring is not easy. At the time of such a considerable purchase, it's potential that funds were not available to buy a more ornate or larger ring due to budget. Eventually, some habitancy want to get a "bigger" look, but do not want to well remount their solitaire. Selecting an enhancer is a great way to get a bigger or even just a separate look, without having to make any turn or damage to your former engagement ring. For sentimental reasons, most habitancy prefer to add onto their former rather than turn it. The ring enhancer is a exquisite explication in that scenario. Cz Ring Guards are an uncostly way to accomplish the upgrade look.
2. Heirloom engagement ring. If your engagement ring is an heirloom or is something sentimental for any other reason, then taking the diamond out and using it in another engagement ring is out of the question. A ring enhancer is the exquisite explication because it changes the look of your simple diamond without manufacture any permanent changes to it.
3. Fashion is another theorize why many women love enhancers. You can buy a few uncostly ring wraps or ring guards and turn them every day. Essentially, you can have a separate look for every day of the week. If you throw in a few colored stones, then you can start matching your enhancer to your beloved purse or outfit. It's a matter of looking ring enhancers that you love. The possibilities are endless. Cz Ring Guards are inexpensive, so you can buy a few varieties and switch them out depending on what fashion mood you are in.
4. Since the engagement ring is a very sentimental piece of bridal jewelry, protecting it from damage is high on the list of priorities. Ring guards are a great way to protect your investment. Since the ring guard envelopes your engagement ring, it essentially protects it from hazards like chipping your town stone, twisting prongs, and many other dangers.
5. Achieving the forever beloved three stone look. Anyone that has looked straight through beloved wedding rings or anniversary rings has come over three stone rings. Maybe when purchasing your engagement ring, the three stone look was not affordable. When purchasing your enhancer, you can select one which will give you the three stone look, giving you an affordable bridal set. Essentially, you will want to select ring wraps with one stone on each side of the town diamond. When put together, the final supervene will be a dazzling three stone wedding ring.
Now that you know why a ring enhancer is a great piece of bridal jewelry, here are some tips and things to keep in mind when purchasing your ring enhancer:
1. Keeping sizes proportionate. You need to keep the size of the town stone in mind when Selecting your enhancer. For example, if you have a 2 carat engagement ring, then buying an enhancer with small diamond chips will not look right. Ultimately, if you mismatch sizes, then the enhancer will not compliment your diamond engagement ring. another example that shows the significance of Keeping sizes proportionate is the three stone ring scenario. If your engagement ring has a 1 carat town stone and you want to accomplish the former three stone ring look, then Selecting a ring rap with two 1/10 carat diamonds will not look right. Also, the size of your town stone will supervene how your ring enhancer will fit with your solitaire. Most jewelers are able to adjust the enhancer to fit your solitaire, but not if the mismatch is extreme..
2. Shape matching. The important thing to keep in mind with shape is that your if your ring enhancer has a subtle contour to it, then it will fit with a round town stone much more easily, where as pointed ring enhancers are a best fit for pear shaped or marquise centers. It's also important to remember that most jewelers can tweak your enhancer to fit your engagement ring.
3. Metal types. There is no rule that requires your engagement ring and enhancer have to be the same metal. You should keep in mind though that having the same metal means that the two will wear more or less the same. If you select to mix metals (platinum next to gold), you might have separate wear for each ring. Also, getting repairs done such as sizing and adjustments might be a challenge if they are separate metals.
4. Soldering rings together. If you wear your ring enhancer as a wedding ring or anniversary ring, meaning that you wear it every day with your diamond engagement ring, then you may want to consider soldering the two rings together. This ensures that they are always fit together perfectly and you don't have to go straight through the hassle of lining them up or re-inserting. The down side to that is that you won't be able to take the enhancer on and off easily.
5. Color!!!! another huge factor to keep in mind when looking at enhancers is the color factor. A major trend in jewelry is colored stones. You can well take your former diamond engagement ring and match it up to an enhancer with colored stones to get a unique look. Also, keep in mind that substituting colored stones for diamonds is a great way to get affordable bridal jewelry. You can well cut the cost of your enhancer significantly by replacing a few diamonds with colored stones.
What is a Ring Enhancer and Why Are Cz Ring Guards Very Common?
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