From the earliest fairytales of genies and fairy godmothers, we all have wishes that we would love to see magically happen. Luckily in feng shui there is a astounding technique for activating the energies related with all of the usual aspirations that every person wants: love, wealth, health, happiness, good fortune. It involves using gems and crystals and when used correctly, can almost magically bring about anything you desire.
Gems and crystals are distinguished symbols of our earthly desires and they are distinguished activators. Gems are regarded as earth's most gorgeous and costly power represented in clear, beautiful, sparkling stones. These stones are widely regarded as storehouses of this gorgeous earth power - and potent objects to ground your deepest desires and help them come to fruition.
Don't believe me? Think about one of the most common gem activators. This one is an activator of love and commitment. It's called an engagement ring. The size, quality, and charm of stone is often used to transmit the intent and desire of the man to make his intentions known to a woman, which in this case, is marriage.
But stones and crystals can be used to manifest more than just marriage. Used in your life, gems bring costly earth power to your goals and dearest wishes!
I propose you find one gorgeous stone and make a singular wish with great focus and intention. Keep your focus on this intention until you see it come to fruition. Also, be sure you give plentifulness of attention to your gem and don't disregard your crystals.
To get the best results, place your wish fulfilling gem where you see it and embark on it regularly, such as at your bedside table, your desk (my favorite), or your living room. When placed here, you can put your gems under a light to help embark on them. You can even put it in a window where the sunlight will hit your gem and embark on it. It's especially helpful to raise the gem up so that the light can penetrate and embark on the entire crystal.
As wonderfully as these magic activators work, you must be sure to do your part too. If you're curious in creating opportunities for love, get out there and circulate. If you want to lose weight, be sure to modify your eating and exercise more.
So now that you have learned this astounding - and potent - feng shui trip, it's your turn to find a gem and embark on any and all of your wishes!
Select one special Power gem.
When you have a dear desire, such as to get married or attract love, plump a large faux brilliant and place it next to your bed or on your desk - everywhere you'll see it and can embark on it with light. Treat it special and keep it clean. Focus on your desire to attract your exquisite mate. You can do this with any special wish or desire you have. If it's a work-related wish you have, keep your gem at work where you see it often.
Surround your Chinese astrology sign with gems.
Looking to improve yourself or members of your family? generate a gem bowl with a variety of gems. Place small figures of each house member's astrology animal sign in the bowl to use as an enhancer. You or your house will find yourself receiving more opportunities and lively new ventures advent to you as a result. My husband and I are both tigers and I have a heart-shaped glass bowl of faux diamonds with two tigers in it (picture above). We continue to move ahead in life and have lively opportunities and adventures -- so I can personally attest to this!
See your ship come in with gems.
Sailing ships have long been activators of arriving wealth. Take that one step supplementary by loading your ship figurine with crystals or faux diamonds. Crystals placed on the body of a ship outline are a great way to describe your wealth navigation into your life. Make sure ships seem to be navigation into the house, office, or room.
Choose gem colors by your wish.
Green crystals will bring condition and house luck, red crystals bring fame and recognition for your desire (perfect for an ambitious person!), blue crystals can be used for enterprise opportunities and career advancement (and the money that comes with it), white crystals bring luck with children, creativity, and helpful population and mentors, yellow, pink and amber bring opportunities for education, love, and romance. Pink is especially distinguished for bringing you attention for love.
Pick your gems with care.
Always choose clear, sparkling and gorgeous gems that motion to you. Glass, crystal, and natural gems are all perfectly accepted activators of your wishes. Make sure the gems are not cloudy or unappealing to you in any way. Keep them clean and dust-free.
Put your gems to work.
Have a positive enterprise you're finding to attract? Place the name of that enterprise or a picture of the man related with the enterprise or a enterprise card on top of your diamond. If you want a commitment from a reluctant suitor, place a picture of your beloved on top of the diamond. A positive clothing size is what you're after? Use a green colored gem and place a picture of your slimmer self on the gemstone.
Your Wish is Granted! How to Use Feng Shui Wish-Fulfilling Gems to Make Your Wishes Come True
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