Do you honestly have a clear idea of what you want? Do you think it, feel it, see it, smell it and taste it? The clearer you make your desires the faster the Universe will bring them to you. Let me tell you a minuscule story that will help to expound my point.
My best friend has a daughter who's beautiful, intelligent, and a hard worker. She and her boyfriend have had a rocky relationship in the five years they've been together. He is afraid of commitment and she wants marriage. She also wants a family. After one of their many arguments, she breaks it off completely, even though she loves him dearly.
This is where she becomes familiar with the Law of Attraction. She has heard of "The Secret" and decides to research it further. She pops in to her local bookstore and picks up a few books on the subject. She also signs up for some online classes dealing with the Loa.
Well, she starts to visualize a new man advent into her life. She sees what he looks like, but more important, she visualizes that he has the qualities she is seeing for. A man who wants a home and family, and wants a committed relationship. A man who is a hard employee and sees advancement in his future.
Every day, she sets aside time to "see" this scenario. Her friends think she's nuts; she'll never meet a guy this way. But she ignores them. She knows the Universe will come through for her.
Well, one day she is advent out of her office. It is a inspiring and sunny day. The sun glints in her eye, and she shades her eyes to see. Out of the projection of her eye, on bended knee is her old boyfriend, and the diamond ring in his hand makes prisms of color on the sidewalk before her.
"I don't know what happened," he told her. "But for the past few weeks I've been getting the feeling that I've been wrong about us. I realize I love you, and you're the exquisite woman for me."
She slips the ring on her finger.
Coincidence? You be the judge.
I'll let you know when the wedding is so you can send a card.
The Law of Attraction and Clear Goal Setting
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