If you are depressed all the time, then there is something wrong! A temporary depression, or feeling of sadness should not last more than a few weeks. Other habitancy have a sort of seasonal depression which is called seasonal affective disorder (Sad) and that is caused by the decreasing whole of sunlight. This regularly passes at the end of the winter season.
Some habitancy though are depressed all the time and if that is the case, they should seek help. This could plainly be caused by a serotonin deficiency in the brain. This serotonin (responsible for the 'feel good' endorphins) is one of the brain chemicals and if that is in short supply, then you will be depressed all the time.
So, are anti depressants a good idea? After all, they are marvelous drugs and they can growth your serotonin levels, so at first glance, it seems like the ideal solution. The downside to all this is that serotonin also controls our appetite and there is a risk of gaining weight and other nasty side effects can work on your sex drive. There are newer types of anti depressants now on the market which can work on your dopamine and noreadrenaline which operate our motivation but again, there can be some rather negative side effects.
People who are depressed all the time can sometimes resort to cutting themselves but this is risky as they may cut too deep. This is a milder form of suicidal view because the ultimate damage can follow in death. Cutting seems to be a half way house. If you suffer from these thoughts, then you should try and get counselling or just ring a suicide help line. There are other depressed habitancy who resort to alcohol and that creates havoc with health problems and weight gain while only increasing the feelings of hopelessness and uselessness. Alcohol is an upper but its long term effects are like downers and the results are very sad to observe.
Anti depressants can help habitancy sometimes who are depressed all the time and can be effective in the short term. But not everybody can take them or even stand their side effects , for example, in getting even more depressed ! It seems like a joke in poor taste, organised by the pharmaceutical companies.
I know habitancy who were depressed all the time and they were able to turn their lives around, plainly by adjusting their diet (taking more Omega 3 food) and also taking a mood enhancer which is a herbal remedy, like St. John's Wort, which is widely used in Europe. That type of herb can be just as effective as a prescription drug mood enhancer. Why do you think that Prozac is prescribed for only about 2% of the depressed habitancy in Germany, while St. John's Wort is given to about 50% of depressed patients ? There must be a reason. Find out more by clicking on the link below this article. There is indeed no need to feel depressed all the time.
I Am Depressed All the Time - What Can I Take?
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