Feng Shui and Love
Feng Shui involves the balancing of your environment, using power and compass directions. It is also learning how to attract different kinds of power through colour, elements, intention and through the movement of chi.
By stirring up the power in your environment, you will have the capability to attract obvious power in varied areas of your life. For this month we will look at attracting obvious chi towards love, house and happy marriages. Here are some instructions on how to help move the power within your space to enhance the relationships in your life.
To Attract A Wife/Husband
Women seeing for a Husband: She should bring into her home more "Yang Chi". Yang chi is enhanced by the use of inviting lights, movement, activity, and sound.
Men seeing for a Wife: He should bring into his home more "Yin Chi". Yin chi is enhanced by dim lights, stillness, rest, and soft sounds.
Men and women seeing for mates should display prints depicting happy, loving couples in their home. Birds are perfect energizers for love whether they are real, in a photo, print or imitation. A emblem or print of a dragon and a phoenix are said to be the strongest energizers for love. It is said that they are messengers of "The God of Marriage" who resides in the moon. Lovebirds or mandarin ducks are also very auspicious in pairs to signify undying love and fidelity.
Sleep in your most auspicious direction by placing the crown of your head in that direction.
Add a red or yellow lamp in the Sw sector of your bedroom.
Place an earth element object in the Sw sector of your home. Crystals are perfect here. The best crystals to use are amethyst and rose quartz as they are highly sufficient in creating an climate of happiness. They can also be worn as jewellery to manifest their attributes of cheerfulness.
A pair of gold bands or diamond bands worn on your ring finger creates a double-happiness emblem of
To enhance Or salvage A Marriage
Neutralize all beams, corners, edges and any poison arrows with Feng Shui remedies. Blocking these sources does not have to be involved or difficult.
For example:
Place objects in corners of the room to help chi flow easily, thus preventing it from becoming trapped in corners.
If the headboard of your bed is against a toilet wall, move it to another wall preferably in an auspicious direction for both you and your mate.
Neither partner should sleep in their total loss direction.
Ponds/Swimming pools should not be located to the right of the main door (looking out).
Prevent reflective surfaces from facing the bed causing any reflections in that direction. (Tv, mirrors, computer screens, etc.)
Do not place any water features of any kind in the bedroom. No fountains or still water.
Place 7 crystal spheres in the Sw projection of the bedroom. Do this to originate mighty nurturing chi inside the bedroom. It reduces hostility and raises tolerance.
Place 7 crystal spheres on the centre of the coffee table in the living room to originate the same effects. (Note: at least one of the spheres must be rock or quartz crystal.)
A raw amethyst geode tied with red string under the foot of the bed will safeguard against infidelity. Place on the wife's side, if the husband has a roving eye and visa versa if the opposite is true.
Place a small red light near the vicinity of the bed and leave it on through the night bring the combine closer together. This helps to enhance their bond.
Place a red light in the bedroom to originate the same bonding energy.
Place a print/photo of blooming peonies in the bedroom to enhance attraction toward one another.
The husband should sleep on the left side of the bed (when lying in bed) and the woman on the right to ensure proper equilibrium of yin and yang.
Display only one pair of birds in the bedroom.
Remove all photos of children or anything that is not representative of romance, love and fidelity.
The matrimonial bedroom should only depict the combine within the room with no outsiders.
Whether you pick to do one thing on this list or all the things on this list, remember to first de-clutter and clear the space by whether lighting incense, or critical oil, or ringing a bell throughout the room, or occasion windows, or letting in sunshine in. These are a few suggestions that you can use to start fresh in the space of your bedroom to beginning a new, more improved married life.
Do all with intention and thoughtfulness to originate the most mighty and obvious power in your space.
To enhance house Energy
The west side of your home and west side of each room is representative of children's luck.
If you are having issue conceiving, this is the area you would combine on as this is where happiness power arises toward the family.
Shine a inviting light on a auspicious object such as a emblem of a child or a house to enhance opinion luck.
Anything that depicts 100 children is very auspicious. Using images of pomegranates whether real, crystal or wood with a inviting or red light shining on it will enhance the opinion of children as well.
An elephant in the bedroom with it's trunk down also symbolizes prosperous conception.
Family portraits in the living room originate house closeness and bonding. Each member of the house should be in each photo frame to enhance a close house unit. everybody should be happy and smiling, on a happy occasion. This will stir up feelings of affection toward one another.
The entry of your home should depict everybody that lives within the home with the use of objects, decorations or photos that are representative of each member of the family. This could be something as easy as a cheerful house portrait or ornamental items that are representative of each person. When people come to your home, they should get a sense of who lives there just by walking into your front hall. This area should also be clutter free, clean, warm and inviting.
Lighting incense daily, ringing a bell, occasion windows to let fresh air in, playing pleasant music, the sound of a piano are all auspicious ways of improving the chi within your home and clearing the space of any negative energy.
A daily clearing ritual will help to keep the obvious power or "sheng chi" flowing through your home, thus helping to enhance all the relationships within the home.
By implementing some of the above suggestions, you will on your way to improving the relationships in your life and creating a more obvious climate within your home.
With that I would like to say,
May peace and harmony be yours.
Want To heighten Your Relationships?
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